Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I have been a slacker!

I have been neglecting the blog, and I have much to blog about.

I will endeavour in the next few days to bring it all up to speed.

We have had a pretty busy month which has just flown by. Its getting pretty hot again its been sitting on 35c degrees and rising.

The snakes have come out of hibernation, with one very big (only about a meter) King Brown snake in the next door neighbours front yard (only meters from our yard). Dean was putting his bike away in the car port when he disturbed it and it chased him to the front door of their house. He was very freaked out, poor kid. Paul called his mate and they captured it and released it in the bush somewhere. Only minutes before this happened Tayden walked past their place on his way to visit his mate a few streets down in bare feet. I shudder just thinking about how he could have easily disturbed the snake.

Paul then went on to tell us that when coming out of hibernation they are usually in pairs, so I made Sean do a perimeter check for any snakes and have been a bit jumpy when going outside ever since.

Exciting news is that Seans sister in Bali is coming for a visit in October, after Paula and Greg visit us so we have much to look forward too.