Friday, July 6, 2007


A few weekends ago Tayden took part in a Taekwondo demonstration at one of the schools fete. The day was well organised with plenty to do for the kids, and lots of stuff to buy. The Taekwondo demonstration was awesome, they all looked so good. The red and blue belts did a breaking boards with their kicks which was pretty neat, then Graeme (instructor) told all the yellow and white belts to come and have a go. This was a new thing for them all as they had never attempted it. Taydens had a go and after about 5 attempts he gave it a miss, then they were told to go throught it again and Tayden took a big puff and got it 1st go, He was so stoaked. We got a short video clip but unfortunatly only got it as he finished the kick. If you look closely the instructor throws two broken peices of wood away but hes behind the other guy so you have to look hard or a few times... (press the play button twice)

and another of their punches

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