Friday, September 21, 2007

FeNaClNG Festival

In the beginning of August each year Karratha celebrates the FeNaClNG Festival. The name FeNaClNG being derived from the chemical symbols by the three prime industries up here. Fe - Iron (Pilbara Iron) NaCl - Salt (Dampier Salt) and NG Natural Gas (Woodside). It reminded me alot of the winter shows we used to have at home, only much bigger. It was only on Saturday and Sunday and ended with a public holiday on Monday. We went twice on each days and the kids went on plenty of rides. Tayden was in ANOTHER TaeKwonDo demonstration. There were heaps of performers on the main stage during the two days, and so much to see and do. Kahayla being the most daring of the three wanted to go on everything, luckily there were height restrictions for the more scary ones, but she went on alot more than Tayden and went on everything she was tall enough for. This was a favourite of Tayden and Kahayla's, I think they had about 10 rides each at $10 a ride!!! Janaya's Favourite There were two different dodgem rides and both had huge queues, they go alot faster and harder than they do at home, Janaya hated them, could have been mums crazy driving though. Kahayla Tayden Tayden and Kahayla joined in the tug-of-war, kids against adult team that won the main competition I think they were plumbers. The kids won!!! The highlight for us all I think was the fireworks display on Sunday night, The best display I have seen, then the kids went on a few rides to end their weekend and I think we rocked on home about 10pm. We needed the holiday on Monday...

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